Monday, June 6, 2011

About me: the un-domestic

I grew up in a great home in the small town of Forney, Texas; it was very Mayberry. And loving as my mother was, she was not too keen to be in the kitchen. She the loosest sense of the term. We grew up on Hamburger Helper, various TV dinners and frozen chicken strips. Not to knock my mom, her talents were taken up by raising two beautiful girls as she made sure we had a best friend no matter what life threw at us. But she never taught us how to cook. There were no "teaching moments" in the kitchen so when I grew up and moved out, I was stuck. I had no idea how to cook and there was nothing I dreaded more than the grocery store; so overwhelming! I could pick up a box of cereal and some ground beef and taco seasoning but gathering ingredients for a meal, no way, that drew terror. 

Then, I met an amazing man who mother is seriously, the greatest cook in the world. The woman moves through the kitchen with such ease! And talent! Of course, I marry a man who grew up on homemade goodness ;)

Thus began, the domestication of Lacey...

I have started this blog to keep up with the numerous recipes I am trying out and to detail my progress of becoming a domestic least as far as food is concerned; we'll talk cleaning later.

I hope you find this as amusing as I will and for my already 'amazing in the kitchen' friends, I will most definitely be stealing your recipes (that means you Kacie!). Any tips of the trade and criticisms welcome!!

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